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Invoicing Address

Please send us primarily e-invoices

E-invoice address

Verkkolaskuosoite 003727585889 
Verkkolaskuoperaattori OpusCapita Solutions Oy
Operaattorin välittäjätunnus E204503

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Paper invoices

Cernos Oy
PL  32560 
00062 Laskutus, FINLAND

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Get in touch with us

It is by talking with our customers we ensure that we continue to provide the best solutions for the recycling industry. Therefore, we want you to contact us, in all situations. To ask for advise. To suggest improvements. To point things we need to do differently. To thank us. Or just to say Hello!

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Contact us

For further information, please leave your message and contact details below

Contact information

Sales and Managing Director

Perttu Pylväs
+358 44 3583112

Deputy Managing and Production Director

Pia Hyrkäs
+358 40 860 9559

Area Sales Manager

(UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand)

David Mac Lynn
+44 7799 866866