Dear Business Partner

We have now the possibility to receive electronic invoices. We are looking forward to re-ceiving primarily electronic invoices from you. Compared to paper invoices, processing electronic invoices is faster, cheaper and more reliable for the sender and the receiver.

Our electronic invoice addresses are:

Verkkolaskuosoite 003727585889 
Verkkolaskuoperaattori OpusCapita Solutions Oy
Operaattorin välittäjätunnus E204503

If you are not able to send electronic invoices, we ask you to send paper invoices in the future to the purchase invoice scanning service, address:

Cernos Oy (OpusCapita skannauspalvelu)
PL 32560

To enable the scanning service to recognise your invoice, this invoice address is to be printed on the actual invoice, not only the envelope. We also ask you to note that no other material than invoices is allowed in this address. The postal address for material, such as notifications, marketing material etc. remains the same as before.

Cernos Oy’s address for email scanning: 

We are happy to provide more information and answer your questions.